Defiant Wrestling Wiki

Damien Corvin is a northern Irish professional wrestler who appeard in WCPW in 2017 as part of The Kings of the North.

History in WCPW[]



No. Show Date Match Time Result Stipulation and notes
1 Fight Back 2 Jun 2017 The Kings of the North
(Damien Corvin & Bonesaw) v
(Alex Gracie & Lucas Archer) v Polo Promotions
(Jackie Polo & Mark Coffey) v
Glaswegian Culture
(Kid Fite & Lou King Sharp) v
Johnny Moss & Liam Slater
26:18 Loss 5 team gauntlet
#1 contenders match for the
WCPW Tag Team Championship.
2 WCPW Loaded #25 21 Jul 2017 The Kings of the North
(Damien Corvin & Bonesaw) v
War Machine (c) (Hanson & Ray Rowe)
14:09 Loss Tag team match for the
WCPW Tag Team Championship.