Logo for Ring of Honor
There are a large number of wrestling promotions in the UK and around the world and many of the Defiant Wrestling roster wrestle for a number of promotions at any one time. Some promotions have more direct connections to Defiant Wrestling, having staged cross-over events and shared talent and are listed below.
International Pro Wrestling[]
International Pro Wrestling (known as IPW:UK) is a British wrestling promotion that primarily runs shows in the south of England. When Austin Aries won the Defiant Championship while contracted to IPW, the promotion used this to stage an invasion of Defiant Wrestling over the winter of 2017/18.
Pro Wrestling Noah[]
Pro Wrestling Noah is a Japanese wrestling promotion. At Refuse to Lose (2016) the company staged an exhibition bout under PWNoah rules between Minoru Suzuki and Joe Coffey.
Ring of Honor[]
Ring of Honor (known as ROH) is an American major wrestling promotion that runs shows across North America. WCPW Loaded #2 featured a match between Jay Lethal (represnting ROH) and El Ligero (representing WCPW) whereby if Ligero won he would get an match for the ROH World Title. The match ended in a no contest but Lethal insisted he would give Ligero a championship match in the future. Lethal then defended the ROH title on Built To Destroy (2016) against Noam Dar.
Scottish Wrestling Alliance[]
Scottish Wrestling Alliance is a Scottish promotion running shows across their home country. In 2017 SWA co-hosted the Pro Wrestling World Cup '17 Scottish Qualifying Leg alongside WCPW.
VCW (Vanguard Championship Wrestling) is a Canadian independant wrestling promotion who run shows in North America. The VCW Openweight Championship was contested as the opening match during the Canadian Qualifier of the Pro Wrestling World Cup '17.